Hello JDF Families!
Pre-orders are now open for custom JDF Whaler bags! We have 2 styles.
The barrel bags come in 4 colour options as shown on the photo are are fully custom with last name and number if known. They are $105 all in.
The long bags come in 2 color options as shown in the photos and are fully custom with last name and number if known. They are $120 all in.
Shipping is approx 6-7 weeks. Orders close February 19th . Ashley, our Whaler Wear coordinator will reply with payment information when the order email is received. She will be away this weekend but will try to reply as soon as possible!
Orders are to be sent to whalerwear@jdflacrosse.com with the following:
Please state player last name, number of known, and Option # as shown in the photos.
Thank you!