Kyla Pedlow
Our home rinks are as follows. Practices and home games may be scheduled at any of these locations:
Floor allocation
Welcome to a new box season.
This year - we have published policies for the allocation of floor time. Please take a few minutes to read these as many of your questions will be answered.
JDF Lacrosse Association Floor Allocation Policies
1) Floor allocation will be done using the following principals:
2) Indoor space is reserved for games and will only be released for practices on a purchase basis after schedules are set. Unused space may be available for free at discretion of executive.
3) Teams are responsible for identifying schedule conflicts and releasing times to floor allocator a minimum of two weeks ahead of scheduled conflict.
4) Teams may trade floor times by mutual agreement but must inform floor allocator IN ADVANCE.
5) Teams may purchase unused time 2 + weeks ahead of time by request on a first come first serve basis.
6) Unscheduled time not requested will be released back to Westshore Parks 2 weeks in advance if not requested.
7) Teams must inform JDF Floor Allocator of all scheduled team practices (including dryland training). This is so your team is covered by insurance for lacrosse activities.
8) Indoor floor space will be allocated with the following priorities:
9) Outdoor space will be reserved for games for U7/U9 on weekends and remaining time will be available for teams to book as second practice times or team funded extra time.
10) Any team requesting extra floor space above standing schedule (2 standing practices a week) will request available time from floor allocator and make payment to treasurer from team funds (unless executive decides to waive payment).
All teams were asked to submit their planned tournaments by the cutoff set by the Island Scheduler so games do not get scheduled while you are away at tournaments. When the schedule comes out it is the coach & manager’s responsibility to look for conflicts with your tournaments.
Some things to consider when requesting/looking at your schedule:
PRACTICE with SHOT CLOCK or Exhibition Games.
The JDF does have a working clock and shot clock. If you would like to arrange for a key to access the scoreboard please contact the JDF Head Manager at
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at
Box practice/Game rainouts
JDF Lacrosse has negotiated a clause in the booking agreement for rainout's being that we receive a reduced floor cost across the season. If your practice is rained out we/ you cannot receive a credit for the rainout. However, feel free to email me and we will find an alternate time if available.
If your game is rained out in the Box (remember that the referee is the person who calls the games) or other facilities email myself and your commissioner as notification of the rainout. Discuss with the opposing team alternate dates and times of the makeup game, then email myself and the Referee Allocator to check for availability.
Game Changes or Rescheduling of Games
Once you have received the team game schedule please review your games vs. practice schedule previously arranged. Give back, via email, any practices you cannot use and I will assign to another team. If you have to change a VIMLA scheduled game due to conflict or rainout in the box do the following:
Notify your commissioner and referee coordinator of the cancellation.
The object is to utilize all floors, all the time if possible. Spot checks will be made and if you are not there (except for weather related cancellations) your team will be invoiced for the empty floor.
JDF AGM and Player Awards
Royal Bay Secondary School