Jersey Manager - Jesse Henwood
Email -
Both home and away pinnies/jerseys will be provided to each team at the beginning of the box/field season. The manager must collect a jersey deposit from each player. Pinnie/Jersey numbers are not guaranteed. The jersey request form must be filled out and sent to the jersey manager with player contact information and postdated cheques attached.
Jersey Deposit:
BOX - $200.00 (Post dated Sept 1st)
FIELD - $100.00 (Post dated March 1st)
Your cheque is only cashed in the event that your jersey is lost, stolen or damaged.
Important information
A Jersey sign out sheet will be sent to the managers of individual teams via the Head Manager. This is Mandatory to complete and submit to Jersey Manager once jerseys are distributed to players.
In respect of everyone’s time All Jersey’s must be collected at your last game of the season and returned within 2 weeks of the final game.
Those teams attending provincials all jerseys must be returned by:
BOX - July 31st
FIELD - March 15th
Ordering Custom Jerseys
What you will need to place an order: